Time to fully connect Kentucky to the digital future


Kentucky Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Dave Adkisson joined officials from the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development today at the Interim Committee on Economic Development and Tourism to show support for modernizing Kentucky’s outdated telecommunications laws. The Chamber has supported legislative efforts to modernize these laws for several years running and commends the Cabinet for Economic Development  for coming to the table to show their support for this critical effort.

“For far too long, Kentucky has watched surrounding states take action to ensure their laws and regulations are compatible and competitive with the 21st Century digital world in which we operate,” said Adkisson.  “It is time to expand wireless and broadband infrastructure in Kentucky. Our members across the state have spoken. They want to see a more connected Commonwealth that allows them to better compete on the national and world stage.”

In a 21st century global economy, development of our telecommunications infrastructure is as essential as roads, bridges and rail were in the last century. To support competitive widespread access to wireless and broadband services, Kentucky needs to update its laws and regulations to reflect the demands of our communications-based economy. Neighboring states like Indiana and Tennessee, in addition to most states across the southeast, have already taken these steps. Kentucky should modernize its telecommunications laws and eliminate unnecessary and outdated retail-based regulatory burdens that serve only to stifle investment in the technology infrastructure upon which the jobs of the future will depend.

“Today was a major step toward addressing these critical changes for Kentucky’s future,” said Adkisson. “We certainly hope that the General Assembly will pay close to attention to the words of the Cabinet for Economic Development and pass legislation that will propel Kentucky toward a fully connected digital future.”

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