National correspondent Mark Halperin talks Trump, politics, and Kentucky ahead of Annual Meeting keynote address

Before coming to speak to the Kentucky Chamber’s Annual Meeting in July, Halperin spoke with the Chamber about President Donald Trump’s administration, the most pressing issues currently being debated on the national scene, his take on the relationship between the president and Kentucky U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell and more.

In the current unpredictable and polarized political environment we see in Washington, D.C., many look to national correspondents to make sense of the noise and give an honest opinion about the day’s latest headlines.

mark halperin

Kentucky Chamber Annual Meeting Keynote Speaker, Mark Halperin

Mark Halperin, one of these national correspondents, will visit and speak to Kentucky’s business leaders on the latest out of Washington, D.C. At the Kentucky Chamber’s Business Summit and Annual Meeting, he will serve as the keynote speaker for the dinner on July 20 at the Galt House in Louisville.

Halperin is the creator, executive producer, and co-host of Showtime’s The Circus, an author of two New York Times Best Sellers, senior political analyst for MSNBC and Bloomberg Television, as well as, a contributor and former co-managing editor of Bloomberg Politics. Halperin is also a frequent guest on popular political programs like Morning Joe, where he keeps a finger on the pulse of national politics and weighs in on important issues facing the country.

Ahead of his visit to Kentucky, Halperin discussed current news out of the nation’s capital with the Kentucky Chamber, including the fight over key issues and what has happened with the Trump administration during the first months in office.

Halperin noted all of the major issues currently playing on the national stage including reforms to federal health care law, tax reform, infrastructure, and deregulation will all impact Kentucky.

When asked if he believes any of those top priorities will have the ability to be passed current polarized political environment, Halperin stated there could be successes on some issues. However, he mentioned President Trump and Republicans could have bigger hurdles in other areas.

“I think it’s going to be, barring change in the dynamics, next to impossible to get anything done that requires Democratic votes in the house or senate, except for raising the debt ceiling, which is kind of a must do item. I think the president and the Democrats have just done so much that makes that kind of cooperation seem close to impossible,” Halperin said. “I think they’ve got to do health care before they do tax reform. And I think getting health care done is going to require Sen. McConnell producing a rabbit out of a hat.”

As for his take on Kentucky political figures, Halperin discussed the relationship between President Trump and Kentucky U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell and explained how he feels Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin is seen on the national level. Kentucky Chamber members can read about that in the Chamber’s upcoming newsletter.

Looking forward to the twelfth annual Business Summit and Annual Meeting, scheduled for July 20 and 21 at the Galt House in Louisville, the Kentucky Chamber provides an opportunity for business leaders throughout the Commonwealth to discuss the issues related to the local, national and international economies. This signature event has consistently brought renowned journalists, political analysts and speakers to the Business Summit with the intent to enhance the conversations had during the two-day think tank.

The author of many books and a frequent commentator on other national news outlets, Halperin has an extensive and interesting viewpoint on current events.

The dynamic speaker will give the keynote address at the Kentucky Chamber’s Annual Meeting this year and offer his view on politics and policy. Make sure you are registered for the event by visiting and clicking on “register now.”

About the Author

Jacqueline Pitts
Follow on Twitter @JacquelinePitts

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